Join us for a virtual event via Facebook Live!


Join us for a special virtual event taking place via Facebook Live!

On Saturday, August 1st, some of the members of our Costuming Events Staff will be joining us via Facebook Live for a 5-minute costuming challenge. No special software or set-up is required - just join in on Facebook Live starting at 2 pm, CST.

Three winners will be chosen in the following categories: ‘funniest entry’, ‘most creative entry’, and ‘best overall’ entry. Each winner will receive a $25 gift card to All entrants under 18 years of age must have permission to enter.

How it will work…

Starting at 2pm, CST, members of our Costuming Events Staff will go live via Facebook on our Chicago TARDIS main page. The challenge will begin shortly after.

Our Costuming Events Staff will have a theme or character that you will need to use as a guideline when you participate in the challenge. Anyone can participate, but all children under 13 years of age must have adult supervision when participating.

Once the theme is announced, participants will have 5 minutes to gather objects or materials from around the house in order to complete the challenge. Creativity is highly encouraged.

Upon completion of their entry, all participants will post their entry as a photo in the designated thread on our Facebook page. Our Costuming Events Staff as well as page moderator will be able to judge the entries from there.

Judging will take place as the event wraps up, and prizes will be awarded.

What a great way to have some Whovian fun on a Saturday afternoon!

Chicago TARDIS